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On Receipt Ceramic Membrane, How Will Client Store Them?

On Receipt Ceramic Membrane, How Will Client Store Them?

On receipt, inspect the product and packaging for signs of damage. Check if the grade and part number of the item supplied meets the requirements for the application

The product should be stored in its original packaging, under the following conditions:
Store the product in clean, well-vented, dry and odorless rooms between 0°C and 45°C (32°F and 113°F). Do not expose to direct sunlight. The original packaging should only be removed shortly before installing the product. Careful handling during in-house transportation must be adhered to.

JIUWU Membrane Products

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  • +86-25-58849045
  • +86-25-58749295
  • No. 9 Yuansi Road, Pukou, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 211808